
Posts Tagged ‘Reformasi Organisasi’

Perlunya mengkaji kembali kekuatan-kekuatan rakyat/masyarakat (civil) dalam konteks interaksi-relationship, baik antara masyarakat dengan negara, maupun antara rakyat dengan rakyat merupakan jawaban yang dapat menjawab atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai fenomena-fenomena kehidupan yang sangat tidak menghargai terhadap posisi rakyat (civil) dihadapan penguasa dan bagian dari fenomena kehidupan yang tidak menghargai kebebasan berserikat dan berpendapat.

Kedua pola hubungan interaktif tersebut diatas akan memposisikan rakyat sebagai bagian integral dalam komunitas negara yang memiliki kekuatan bergaining dan menjadi komunitas masyarakat sipil yang memiliki kecerdasan, analisa kritis yang tajam, serta mampu berinteraksi dilingkungannya secara demokratis dan (more…)

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When Indonesia entered the reformation era in 1998, there were several main reformation agendas which aimed to solve major problems in political, social and economic fields arising from the financial crisis. One of the key agendas is the reformation of the bureaucracy. However, the reformation of the bureaucracy has not progressed well. As stated by Gie (2003:l), the former minister of The National Development Planning Agency, there was lack of significant improvement in the public sector although the reformation era was introduced for five years. Corruption, collusion and nepotism, inefficiency in the central and regional public sector, low public service quality, and low supervisory board function still occur. Based on the report of The National Development Planning Agency (2006, p. 2), it was found that (more…)

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writer: Sukma Prima Setyabekti, S.AP *



This study contributes to our understanding of Building Organization by clarifying the mechanisms through which people power by self education each employee influences reform to organizational performance. In particular, the authors find that human resources development efforts in organization necessary based in human power according to be true in the form of willing to learn and repair itself. Value creation efforts in self official aimed to produce best performance from its aware and human in employee sides. Value existence that bloom well in employee can be guide for organization in defend or increase public service performances. Meanwhile, with develop and managed this value mean plant anticipate capital at the time of organization wants power to repair itself, so that become important element that push organization reformation is its employee.



Pegawai sebagai sumber daya manusia (SDM) adalah faktor sentral dalam suatu organisasi. Apapun bentuk serta tujuannya, organisasi dibuat berdasarkan berbagai visi untuk kepentingan manusia dan dalam pelaksanaan misinya dikelola dan diurus oleh manusia. Tentang manusia sebagai faktor strategis dalam semua kegiatan tersebut seperti dikemukakan oleh Simon dalam Moynihan (2007:803); suggested that the basic challenge for all organizations is “inducing their employees to work toward organizational goals”. Pendapat itu didukung juga oleh Pfeffer (dalam Moynihan, 2007:804) mengatakan bahwa the key to long-term success has been, and will continue to be, how organizations manage their employees, because creating meaningful work and otherwise keeping employees happy is central to (more…)

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